Bureaucracies & Complex Organizations

We provide form and consistency to complex organizations and business ecosystems with an array of data analysis tools to show how money, talent, business processes, and things move across an organization. By doing so, we eliminate redundancies and increase efficiencies.

Our architectural viewpoints display: capabilities, activities, processes, data, information exchanges, business rules, system functions where applicable, services, system data exchanges, technical standards, terms; and linkages to laws, regulations and policies. Consistent with DoDI 5000.75, 2020.

National Defense Battle Lab business architecture consulting service focuses on collecting artifacts to map your ecosystem, and culminates with a Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) exercise.

Capability mapping is our foundational start point to identify value streams. Our maps are a visual outline of the current assets and capabilities possessed by an organization and shows how money, talent, business processes, and things build value. Artifacts required to build your map include your business strategy and processes, governance structure, budget books, an in-depth personnel asset inventory, and business enterprise systems.

We culminate every business architecture consult with a dry walk-through of updated plans between the executive leaders, their directors and senior managers, and their subordinates ensuring a shared understanding of the plan going forward. This Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) Drill is a practical method to visualize and rehearse the execution of complex commercial projects and organizational changes.

The Houston Spaceport’s five levels of intersecting governance

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Our vision is to advance ethical American influence in the world and protect the American people and way of life. Feel free to contact us.
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Houston, Texas